
Kasper Knudsen

Kasper Knudsen started his career in 2014 in the children's room in Varde, West Jutland, where he founded his first company and from there began to further develop his techniques and experiences.

As Kasper Knudsen embarked on the journey as an entrepreneur, he encountered several challenges, but he learned to grow with the responsibility and has continuously developed his knowledge. Subsequently, Kasper Knudsen has operated three smaller webshops, and then he has tried various online business models. Today, he is the founder of Sedia ApS, which he runs with his partner Morten Sjælland.

In addition to Sedia ApS, Kasper Knudsen is also the director and co-founder of Basely ApS, a software solution for marketing consultants. Here, he is the director and responsible for the progress of the company.

In addition to Sedia ApS as a consulting firm and Basely ApS as a software solution, Kasper Knudsen has also started the Online Mentor Program. His inspiration for the mentor program was due to his own path to learning and development. Kasper Knudsen himself has sought help from mentors, including personal trainers and coaches. He knows the significant impact a mentor can have on personal development, which is why he chose to help other ambitious entrepreneurs get off to a good start. The program helped to start an independent journey focusing on mindset, how to acquire customers through research and sales, and how to perform for customers through advertising on social media. Here, Kasper Knudsen has helped more than 3,500 students from April 2020 to May 2023, where he chose to close registrations for new participants to focus on other projects.

All of Kasper Knudsen's current participants in the program still receive daily support, live Q&A's, and still have access to the program.

Kasper Knudsen finds his values in a upbringing in West Jutland, where he lived before moving to Copenhagen. It is from this foundation of humility and hard work that he has shaped and further developed his businesses over the past few years. He greatly appreciates his childhood, holding it in high regard and acknowledging the significant role it has played in strengthening his work ethic and moral compass.

Kenn Righolt (Director of Café Vivaldi) about Kasper Knudsen:

"I have collaborated with Kasper Knudsen on the strategic handling of online marketing, including specific strategies. Kasper has a unique knowledge and sense of what works online - and a sharp understanding of how the individual channels can be optimized. He is one of the few who will say "no" to you if he does not believe your approach is correct."

Kasper Knudsen
Kasper Knudsen
Kasper Knudsen

©2023 Sedia ApS, DK41313935 - Århusgade 118, 2150 Nordhavn

©2023 Sedia ApS, DK41313935 - Århusgade 118, 2150 Nordhavn

©2023 Sedia ApS, DK41313935
Paradisæblevej 4, 2500 Valby